Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I love our playgroup friends.  We recently had some playing time in Kristin's newly remodeled basement where Maris loved the Hulk Hands. 

We got the kids together for a group shot.  I love how everyone is always looking in a different direction.  Of the original 8 kids, Maris is the only girl.  Second round babies - there are 6 of those - are all girls.  And we just found out one of the moms is expecting the first baby of round three!

Maris and I attended a holiday party for the music class that two of the other families participate in.  The children were hopped up on sugar and Christmas so they were not cooperative with the photo ops.  Us moms had to step in.

I am grateful everyday that I (and Maris) have made such wonderful friends just from attending "boob class!"

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