Saturday, March 31, 2012

Cleveland Auto Show: 2012

In the first week of March we took the girls to the Cleveland Auto Show.  We hadn't been in years.  My dad had a couple extra tickets and the girls are still free so we figured we would give it a shot.  Maris had a blast!  I couldn't have been more proud.  Just like my brother and I did when we were little, she ran from car to car to car, opening the doors and jumping in to pretend to drive.  It was so fun to watch.  We had a great time!

Trying out her Price is Right modeling abilities.
Paige likes to people watch.
There was an 'off-road' Jeep course for kids in the Jeep display.
I'm not sure where she gets this innate understanding of a manual transmission.  There are many people in my life who can attest that it is certainly NOT from her mother.
Driving an RTA bus.
Hi Auggie!
My pretty girl.
We had such a fun time.  I hope we can go again next year when Paige is a better walker.  She'll have just as much fun, I'm sure!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Oh, The Places You'll Go!

If you have ever visited an elementary school in the last week of February or the first week of March, you have seen the artwork, costumes, and creativity of teachers all dedicated to one of the most wonderful children's authors ever.  Dr. Seuss!  Maris's preschool was no different as they celebrated Dr. Seuss Day last week.  She instructed to wear red and black to school.  Being a teacher, I had "inside knowledge" as to why they might be dressing that way.  I didn't tell Maris though.  She gets so excited about the surprises she brings home from school!

The Cat in the Hat!

Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss!

Happy Valentine's Day

As a stay at home mom, I love holidays.  I get to make all kinds of fun alterations to the kids' food, clothes, and surroundings.  This Valentine's Day was no different.

We had pink pancakes, strawberries, and pink milk for breakfast on our Valentine's Day plates from G'ma Molly.

Valentine's jammies from Aunt Vicki.

Flowers from Daddy.

And heart shirts from G'ma Molly.

I, for one, can't wait for St. Patrick's Day!!