I don't have a sister. When we found out we were having another girl, I was so nervous that I wouldn't know how to properly raise the girls to cherish each other they way I've seen other sisters do. Turns out, I'm not much a part of that equation at all. They have to grow into their own relationship. And Maris making sure to start things off well!

Meeting her sister for the first time.

Maris was very eager to hold her sister when she visited at the hospital.
At Paige's one week photo shoot.
Maris is really protective of her sister. She always wants to help out and loves to sing to her when Paige is crying.
On St. Patrick's day, the fury sister wanted in on the picture action too.
Maris is over the moon about being a big sister. While Paige doesn't return the favor just yet, she does love to laugh at Maris and give her giant grins when Maris sings to her. I can't wait to see how their relationship develops as they grow up together!

Meeting her sister for the first time.

Maris was very eager to hold her sister when she visited at the hospital.
At Paige's one week photo shoot.
Maris is really protective of her sister. She always wants to help out and loves to sing to her when Paige is crying.
On St. Patrick's day, the fury sister wanted in on the picture action too.
Maris is over the moon about being a big sister. While Paige doesn't return the favor just yet, she does love to laugh at Maris and give her giant grins when Maris sings to her. I can't wait to see how their relationship develops as they grow up together!